I&S Lab

Inspire & Support the design of the Enterprise 2.0

Operating like a start-up seems an impossible dream for many traditional organizations, but with the help of modern collaborative technologies and some cultural change, we know by experience that this impossible dream can turn a reality.

” Digital transformation is not just shiny new technology – it’s a new way of organizing, engaging with customers and employees, and how we build networks of expertise and trust – through cooperation and collaboration – working faster, better, smarter than ever before.” – Josh Bersin

  • What if we fostered modern forms of collaboration, communication and engagement across the workplace?
  • What if we mobilized untapped energies to unleash a sense of collective intelligence across the workforce ?
  • What if we made it easier for organizations to operate on a daily basis, and also change and transform at the same time?

What if we design & implement change from the ground up?

Here are 3 ideas that we can help your organization implement on the ground, that is turn abstract possibilities into vibrant reality:

Workplace Innovation ) Connecting and empowering employees through an engaging digital experience [digital workplace],

Workforce Innovation ) Helping employees adopt agile and creative mindsets, a culture of high collaboration [similar to star-ups]

Organizational Innovation ) Creating the conditions for both operational excellence and organizational agility [make the organization work smarter].

Why it matters to rethink the way organizations work [ agile management ]

What if organizations were re-energized from the ground up?

  • What if we used technology to simplify your operational system and not to complicate it?
  • What if we included employees, especially in the front-lines in the design of innovation?
  • What if we empowered the front-lines to be able to adapt more rapidly to change?
  • What if we favored simple experiments on the ground over complex solutions ?
Employees are teaming up to build a human structure

making change happen from the ground up

we help you rethink the way your organization works and operates

We facilitate innovation, transformation and agility in organizations.

We are here to help you make sense of all the change that is occurring in the world of management and on the workplace around the world.

Our mission is to help you engage your leaders, managers and employees in modern collaboration dynamics based on trust and co-creation, in order to agilize how the entire organization work, operate, and quickly adapt to changes that occur in your ecosystem.

Frontline workers at work in a factory - how to engage non-desk employees, agilize the workforce and transform the workplace.

By engaging every single employee in collaborative and co-creative dynamics, we create the conditions to transform how the entire organization works and operates.

It just takes commitment to building organizations that kindle the spark of everyday genius in each human being.

What if we unleash the collective intelligence of the entire organization?

Take us for fools or idealists but we believe that we can [together with your leaders and employees] create the conditions to generate *organizational agility*, *employee engagement*, and *operational excellence* in a single movement or dynamic.

Workforce Agility and agile transformation starts with team partners working hand-in-hand on collective goals and challengeswith collaboration, cooperation and collective intelligence.

Making people part of change

Organizations need to get people to work together effectively ‘as one’

“True enterprise agility requires organizations to increase their leadership capacity at all levels. A group of people or networks should be the source of leadership — not one individual” (Liberationist.org)

What if we explore and experiment a systemic approach of change and transformation?

We see ourselves as facilitators and enablers of organizational innovation and transformation, not as traditional management consultants or agile coaches

We promote a 3 dimension-approach of enterprise transformation to help organizations rapidly adapt themselves and implement the upgrades needed to thrive in a fast-changing and uncertain environment.


Providing strategic guidance, on-the-ground assistance and smart technologies to engage employees in modern collaboration dynamics, a culture of innovation and agility.

Digital Transformation is multidimensional, involving people, work cultures, and technologies.

Digital Transformation is about using digital technologies to implement new ways of working that have been brought by the information age.

What if digital transformation started with the way people work?

Our approach is:

1 – Human-centered : centered on employees.

2- Inclusive : including front-line employees.

3 – Systemic : inspiring and supporting innovation, engagement and agility across the entire workforce.

What if we simplify the way people collaborate?

Traditionally, an organization will hire management consultants to tell them what to do, and then hire a change management firm to plan and oversee those changes.

We engage employees and facilitate workforce agility through a subtle combination of digital tools, agile principles and design thinking.

Our approach combines both fields into a single, modern approach that creates rapid, viral change.

Organizational Design is not about making organizations beautiful, it’s about making organizations work beautifully.

Small team of start-up employees in a meeting room, making the most of digital technologies and remote management to work with agility and collaboration

We bring together organizational designers, digital innovators, and local change-makers to make digital transformation employee-centric.

” People don’t have to be a source of inertia. In fast-moving born-digital companies that we all know, people are a source of continual innovation and energy. They know where the company is going. And they have a healthy dissatisfaction with the way things work, and constantly suggest ways to make things better. This can be the case in every company, whether born digital or not.” — George Westerman (MIT IDE)

© I&S Lab 2020, all rights reserved